This exclusive and customized policy cover you in cases like hiring a car or driving a person’s car over a long time. A Non-Owner Car Insurance online will compensate for damages that occur during an accident as well as injuries sustained by both the passengers and the driver. Other circumstances make this unique insurance plan necessary.Why Do I Need Non-Owner Car Insurance?· If you have an outstanding DUI chargeHave you been convicted of driving under the influence? You may likely be required of your state to provide an SR 22 form (known as the FR-44 form in some zones). The SR-22 will help you retrieve your driver’s license, and both forms are evidence of legal vehicle insurance. Non-owner car insurance will provide enough evidence of insurance even when you don’t own a car.· You often use people’s vehiclesDo you fall in the class of those who are not ready to face the hassles of owning a car, but get to use cars of family and friends to move around? If yes, then you need to obtain a non-owner car insurance. There are also situations where you have no other option than to use someone’s car: Probably you are establishing a small scale delivery business, and you get a friends van to kick off the business. You are required to secure a non-owner car insurance.· You Often Hire CarsYou can attest to the high rates paid to auto rental firms if you always rent cars. Obtaining a non-owner vehicle insurance will help you save a lot. Some rental companies charge as high as $35 insurance fee per day.· During Test DrivingAmong other marketing strategies employed by automobile manufacturers to lure people to patronize their products, they often allow buyers to test drive the car for two weeks before making any form of commitment. The producers believe that the customer will likely fall in love with the vehicle and sign for the purchase of the vehicle during the test drive duration. If you borrow a car from these dealers, you will have to get a non-owner car coverage.· You often Ride-SharePresently, vehicle sharing plans are common trends. Although these cars are insured, they may lack relevant additional coverage to protect your properties in case severe damages occur following a crash. If your assets are worth over $100,000 you may include additional non-owner coverage for complete protection in the event you get sued.Can you relate with any of the highlighted scenarios above? If yes, then you need to obtain a non-owner car insurance.Having active vehicle insurance reduces the risk on insurers, and you also qualify for cheaper rates on your next car insurance. For young drivers who probably drive their parents’ car should have no worries, as their parent’s policy covers them.Basics of Non-owner InsuranceThis specialty insurance automatically satisfies the state primary liability standards. Also, the non-ownership package includes both medical bills and even protects uninsured motorists. This is a valuable addition to your package because a lot of uninsured drivers out there are moving around and if an accident occurs there is about 13% probability the other party is uninsured, and that’s a risk you don’t want to take. If your credit card company already insures you, then when renting cars, you may not need non-owner car insurance.Non-owner car insurance usually has cheaper rates compared to standard liability coverage with standard car protection. This reduction is because of the limited access the driver has to the vehicle, therefore reducing the chances of involving in a clash, unlike other motorists.Obtain a Non-Owner Vehicle Insurance Policy OnlineYou can get the best non-owner car insurance rates online. Apply directly online for a policy and get a quote in about 5 minutes or less. Don’t wait any longer; apply now and get your desired plan for less
The Rise of Virtual Assistant Jobs
In today’s era, you’ll be out of trend if you’re not part of the virtual world. As time passes through, there were variations in terms of lifestyle, perspectives as well as the lined of work to be with. And that’s when virtual assistant jobs are born.Before entering in this kind of career, there are certain factors to take in consideration. Ask yourself if this is really the job you’d been looking for or you just have the might to be a part of it in order just to be in. Wanting alone to belong in this entity must not be a sole reason but it could be accompanied with professionalism, had the familiarity to the job and the commitment to it. The skills that are related to virtual assistant jobs are highly essential. And most of these are multi-tasking.This tenders different types of job. Administrative assistants, Web assistants, and Executive Assistants, these are some of it that offers convenience at your respective homes.Want to know on how to find virtual-related jobs? Have the time to go online and to search it on the net. Make sure to find job related listings. See some posted job fairs, and have job applications. Take time to surf on employment guide and job search to see what’s latest as well as to know the most suited work for you.Like every other works, there are pros and cons for this kind of job. But let us focus on the advantage that work could offer. Most of the times, the means of communication between the client and the virtual assistant is via net. Under this medium, there are different and vast array of ways in interaction that could give the virtual assistant of a clear direction of the task assigned to him. Unlike office works, and outdoor-related jobs, this gives you the time of your own and the division of work is at your hand.Qualifications are very important whenever getting a job. The proficiency of an individual applying for the job is one of the main factors necessary to have it. Some of these are the following: database maintenance/management/creation, proficient in MS Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, must be detail oriented, flexible, have an excellent writing prowess and good communication skill, and have the skill of time-management.Then, what are you waiting for, have fun while working at your respective homes and be well compensated. Be a part of virtual assistant jobs!
Making Sense of Separately Managed Accounts and Individually Managed Accounts
Individually Managed Accounts (IMAs) and Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) both offer investors a highly transparent managed share portfolio while avoiding the tax distortions that come with pooled investment vehicles such as managed funds.However, there are some important differences between individually and separately managed accounts and while they may sound very similar, these differences can have a significant impact on investment performance, suitability, and tax effectiveness.In General, Separately Managed Accounts are a good alternative to managed funds for many investors, while investors with $1 million or more, are likely to find the features of an IMA more compelling.The key differences between the two types of managed accounts rests in their approach to building an investment portfolio.SMAs are constructed with a ‘model portfolio’ where each investor receives precisely the same portfolio, based on a template created by the fund manager. IMAs however, are constructed individually for each investor, although each account will share some common holdings. These two approaches have some important differences:Investors in a SMA may buy stocks that have already enjoyed most of their returns, but remain in the model portfolio to avoid realising capital gains tax. IMA investors however will receive a portfolio that is assembled incrementally, as attractive opportunities arise.For the same reason, new investors in Separately Managed Accounts will receive a larger position in stocks that have already performed well, while IMA investors are likely to receive larger holdings in stocks the investment manager believes will perform well in future.IMAs also provide the ability to tailor the portfolio to the investor’s circumstances. For instance, an IMA manager may place more weight on generating franked dividends for a SMSF, while long term capital appreciation could be more valuable for an investor with a high tax rate. These differences in investment management help produce good after tax results for each investor. Since every investor in a SMA receives the same portfolio, the Separately Managed Account manager cannot factor individual considerations into their management.Both structures will allow the transfer an existing portfolio, with the IMA providing some additional flexibility and tax advantages. When importing an existing portfolio into a SMA, only those shares contained in the model portfolio will be retained and only to the proportion held in the model portfolio. Therefore, investors may still realise capital gains when entering an SMA. Conversely, a diligent IMA manager will adapt the existing portfolio over time and with consideration to tax events.Both offer tax effective investment management to tax conscience investors.For investors wishing to exclude individual stocks or sectors, an Individually Managed Account manager will hold alternative positions, while the SMA will generally hold cash in lieu of the excluded positions. This can have a significant impact on the portfolio’s overall returns.In executing trades, SMA investors will generally receive ‘at market’ prices on their transactions, while an IMA manager may attempt to get best execution and/or exercise discretion over the timing of buys and sells.Service levels are also different, with holders of Separately Managed Accounts receiving a service akin to a managed fund. while those using Individually Managed Accounts have ongoing access to the fund manager responsible for their portfolio and will likely receive personalised reporting.